
local Culture

Who is Ghozali every day? This is Ghozali's Complete Profile and Biodata every day, Age, Job, Instagram Account Who is Ghozali every day? This is Ghozali every day's complete Prof…

Local Wisdom News

Learning Tolerance from Bali It has a beautiful natural panorama. Strong culture. Has a thousand temples. The name of the island of Bali. Although the majority of the people are Hindus, t…

Local Wisdom News

The Paradise of Balinese Arak in Les Village, Buleleng Regency, You Can See How It's Made Balinese wine lovers must come to Les Village in Bali. Besides being able to enjoy the wine, …

Local Wisdom News

Having a Legendary Promise to Restore the Glory of Majapahit  The Majapahit Kingdom became a large kingdom in its time which succeeded in uniting the archipelago. The great empire eventuall…

Local Wisdom News

The mention of a Hindu island for Bali in the Majapahit era is wrong, as this former Canadian ambassador reveals his findings . Bali Island is one of the islands in Indonesia that is kno…

Local Wisdom News

This prediction by the King of Kediri Jayabaya is well known and proven to predict the future of Indonesia. One of the most famous kings of the archipelago in history was Jayabaya, the k…

Local Wisdom News

Bali's Kusamba Salt Becomes an Additional Indonesian Foreign Exchange Export activity is one indicator of a country's economic growth. To encourage exports, financing, guarantees,…

Mystery Stories and Conspiracy Theories

Pule Tree Releases Tirta, Residents Thought It was drizzling rain Miraculous Events at Jaba Sisi Temple of Penataran Batukaru in Banjar Griya, Kawan Village, Bangli As for the efficacy or …

Local wisdom news

The intensity of the people who underwent the Sudhi Wadani ceremony or converted to Hinduism  in the Denpasar City area was relatively high in the past year. This was said by the Chairman…

Local Wisdom News

Sukmawati Soekarnoputri Will Hold Religious Conversion Ritual The daughter of President Proclaimer Soekarno, Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, will undergo the ritual of converting from Islam to Hin…

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