
lowongan lagi

PT Krakatau Posco adalah perusahaan kerjasama antara dua perusahaan yaitu PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk, Indonesia dan POSCO Korea. Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang pabrik baja terpadu…

Lowongan Bro

PT. TAKA Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan holding di indonesia yang bergerak di bidang service and Maintenance rotating equipment, Manufacturing turbomachinery parts (pump, turbin…

Buleleng Bali News

1.Crematorium Sealing in Buleleng Considered Unprocedural The Hindu Community Protection Foundation (YPUH) won a state administrative lawsuit against the Buleleng Regent. The Denpasar Sta…

Mystery and News

Mystery Story This is what happened in 2016 so Louisa wanted to go to her sister's place in Cicalengka, so she took the train from one of the stations in Bandung at around 11 pm, as u…

Lifestyle and News

Some Examples of Lifestyle Lifestyle Example 1 Less Is more is a well-known slogan from a minimalist lifestyle. The minimalist lifestyle is a concept of living life with simple and minima…

Lifestyle and News

Get to know Flexing closer Flexing or showing off is a manifestation of one's ego. The ego is the self-image we have of ourselves. The higher the image we create of who we are, the mo…

News and Characters

These 4 women enter the list of the richest people in Indonesia,The Real Crazy Rich Lately, many people have been dubbed 'crazy rich because they often indulge in wealth on social med…

Articles and News

The British Crisis is getting scarier, residents are threatened with suffering   The energy crisis in the UK is deepening. This is believed to make residents more miserable, especially be…

International News

Timor Leste is not only a poor country, now it is a dangerous country in the world  Leste is known as the poorest country in the world, ranking 152 out of 162 world economic rankings. It …

National News

The Last Condition of Pertamina's Pertalite Tank Fire in Cilacap This is the latest condition or the latest situation of the Pertamina refinery fire incident in Cilacap, Central Java…

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