Local Wisdom

Backflow Report

 The Ministry of Transportation, Police, and the Return Road operator apply One Way and odd-even on the return flow of Eid 2022 from 6 to 8 May 2022, this is done so that homecoming activities run safely and comfortably and there is not a lot of density of special motorized vehicles on Friday 6 May 2022 that limit mobility. The Kalikangkung Toll Gate KM 414 leads to DKI Jakarta, namely KM 28 Cikampek Toll Road at 14 West Indonesia Time to 24 West Indonesia Time. If the traffic flow is too heavy, officers in the field can apply engineering in full, the implementation of engineering and odd-even is conveyed by the division Public Relations of the Police through its official Instagram, the Public Relations Division of the Police, along with the schedule and location of the planned implementation of engineering and odd-even during the return flow for Eid 2022, although there are also special categories that are excluded from the odd-even rule. These categories include state-led vehicles, fire-fighting vehicles, and ambulance vehicles. axles and others, the following special categories in full Levels from the Cipali toll road to the Cikampek toll gate, the main traffic engineering namely one way and contraflow to see the development of traffic flow if congestion occurs the scheme will be implemented starting Thursday afternoon from the Palimanan to Cikampek toll gate on Thursday afternoon Queues only occur at the main Cikampek Toll Gate, the application of situational traffic engineering from Jasa Marga data, the volume of vehicle backflow to Jakarta has increased since Wednesday night. Meanwhile, at the Jakarta Cikampek toll road towards Jakarta, there was congestion in the Km 62 Rest Area, the police implemented a rest open and close scheme. The area to anticipate congestion, one of the causes of congestion is the entry and exit of vehicles in the Km 62 Rest Area, the National Police Headquarters sees the condition of traffic flow at the Kalikangkung toll gate, Central Java, which is busy, or ensures an increase in Backflow vehicles will occur starting on May 6 tomorrow so that it will be carried out immediately. apply a number of traffic engineering in the form of contraflow or we have also received directions yesterday and have seen everything how the president also provides solutions what should be done by the community the number of vehicles that are expected to return to Jakarta based on the calculation figures from colleagues at Bina Marga It already shows a number above the ratio of one. This means that we have to intervene with traffic engineering again. We can't when reviewing the Trans Java toll road by air. The Head of the Traffic Police sees that there has not been congestion so that traffic engineering follows developments in the field but will be implemented from 6 to 8 May We greet Kompas TV journalist Triksi Valencia who is at the main Cikampek Toll Gate, monitoring this afternoon whether contraflow has been implemented there, the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road is currently being diverted to the left lane to be able to make transactions at the palace satellite toll booth. s I've seen an increase in the volume of vehicles going to Jakarta, so this is the main thing. Then it is optimized to be able to facilitate the number of vehicles going to Jakarta. You are also a relative, then if you look at Jasa Marga's real-time data at 3 o'clock this afternoon, there are already around 2 8000 more vehicles. passing through the main Cikampek Toll Gate because Jakarta, while heading towards Kalimalang, has started to descend, more than 21000 vehicles are passing there, too, brother. So, I have corporate Communication and community development group head Jasa Marga today, I will explain in more detail there, brother. Good evening, Mr. Heru, this permission is related to yesterday's evaluation of the homecoming flow so that it doesn't happen.kepadatan lagi di Arus Balik dan juga antisipasinya untuk kaos Bali Seperti apa Pak Heru pertama sampai dengan 10 sampai dengan 1 itu sekitar 2 juta kendaraan meninggalkan Jakarta yaitu kalau dilihat hadap normal 2021 ada kenaikan sekitar 20% untuk arus mudik ini kita perlu adanya lebih panjang jadi sampai dengan bisa 10 hari orang pergi 10 hari sebelum lebaran kan dan distribusinya relatif lebih tersebar ya ada yang keluar di Jawa Barat Cirebon keluar di Semarang Jawa Tengah ada yang sampai Surabaya Jawa Timur kalau untuk arus balik ini nanti akan lebih pendek periode nya 5 hari laki-laki raya dari kemarin hari Sabtu sampai dengan + 5 itu di hari ini Minggu Kami perkirakan kenaikannya puncaknya akan terjadi pada a + 5 atau di hari Minggu. 

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