Crime And Law


Boss MS Glow Kadek Maharani Kemala dan Sandy Purnamasari

Said to be the target of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Police, one of MS Glow's bosses, Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi, finally spoke up. He conveyed this on his Instagram social media account @maharanikemala.

Just to note, the name of Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi was also touched after news emerged that the Criminal Investigation Department was targeting the Gilang Widya Pramana couple aka Juragan 99, and his wife, Shandy Purnamasari.

The wealth of the couple Gilang Widya Pramana aka skipper 99 and Shandy Purnamasari is suspected to be unnatural. This is also associated with allegations of money laundering (TPPU).

Now, Shandy Purnamasari himself and Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi have a joint business, namely MS Glow, a beauty or skincare product business. This joint business also finally nudged Maharani Kemala in the vortex of the case.

Through his Instagram account @maharanikemala, Monday (31/3), Maharani Kemala also spoke up. He conveyed this through his Instagram story. Three points are emphasized in the upload.

"As the current generation, I summarize, we have learned a lot from this news," he wrote in his insta story.

Furthermore, the first point he explained was the principle of public trust in young entrepreneurs starting to decline. Because of their assumption that nothing starts from the bottom.

“Everyone will be suspicious of young entrepreneurs that no one is really rich all flexing (like to show off, ed). This assumption also occurs in the environment around us,” he explained.

Then the second point, if the young entrepreneurs later succeed and progress, they will not dare to tell a story because they are afraid of the previous cases and are accused of being called flexing.

“So they don't see anything and they chase the characters because everyone is afraid to tell stories. People think.. ah. It's a lie, ahh, it's impossible, ah, it's money from this, it's impossible to sell it successfully," he explained again.

Furthermore, on the third point, he explained, start by maturely accepting that not all young entrepreneurs are flexible. "Give us encouragement, rebuke us when we are wrong, because we are young people who need guidance, not hate speech, especially with words that are too deep-fried," he explained.

"We need the media, netizens, but please be more mature to make a narrative and a conclusion. I really love my friends, especially the media, but please take care again, we will also take care of our behavior and attitudes more, criticize us constructively," he explained.

align: justify;">Then he also revealed his business journey from the beginning until now on instantly. MS Glow Boss Profile MS GLOW owner? I'm sure those of you who read the article are curious about who the real person who has founded the currently very well-known beauty care product is, MS glow.

What is Ms. Glow

Most women must have heard the term Ms glow, MS glow itself is the name of a local beauty brand from East Java. MS Glow is a leading product in facial and skincare. Currently, Ms. Glow has produced dozens of quality skincare products, so many are interested in using this brand.

Who doesn't want to have a white, clean, and bright face? In addition to increasing self-confidence, Handy Purnamasari and Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi are the founders and owners of MS GLOW

Ms glow is owned by two people, namely Shandy Purnamasari and Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi or commonly known as Maharani Kemala Dewi.

Shandy Purnamasari

The owner and founder of Ms. Glow are Shandy Purmasari. Born in Surabaya, October 10, 1991. Apart from being the owner of Ms. Glow, Shandy is also the founder of Ms. Glow's aesthetic clinic and also the owner of PT. Global Cosmetics which he founded in 2018.

Empress Kemala Dewi

Apart from Shandy, Maharani Kemala Dewi is one of the owners of Ms. Glow who also struggled in establishing and running the Msglow beauty business until it became famous as it is today. Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi or commonly known as Maharani Kemala comes from Gianyar, Bali. born in Gianyar, Bali, September 3, 1988.

When is MS Glow Launched?

The Ms. Glow skincare brand was born in 2013, Officially launched in 2014 under the name MS Glow. Sandy and Maharani worked together to establish this brand which currently has 7 branches throughout Indonesia.

Origin of the name MSGlow

Did you know that the origin of the name MSglow is taken from the initial names of its founders, namely Maharani and Sandy? The following is the history and profile of the owner of MS Glow. The Complete History of the Founding of MS Glow

The following is a complete summary of MS Glow's journey from its inception to becoming as successful as it is today.

Shandy .'s Early Career Journey

Initially, Sandy only sold people's skincare products with the help of her husband, Gilang. Every night they have to pack the product to be immediately sent to the buyer. Gilang himself was originally an employee at one of the banks in Malang and has worked in the bank for approximately 4 years. Every day when he finishes work he helps his wife pack their goods to be sent via delivery service.

Shandy's meeting with Maharani Kemala Dewi

As a reseller, Shandy feels that the products he sells have many shortcomings, especially because of the limited types of products that make this a challenge for them to develop their business. We can't sell widely because the products are just the same, while because we sell online, we have a lot of resellers from out of town.”

Finally, Shandy and the biggest seller, Ms. Rani (Maharani) took the initiative to make their product. They finally made their own cosmetic company, their cosmetic brand was named MS Glow.

In addition to the beauty business, Gilang and Shandy also spread their wings in other businesses. They have a tourism bus PO business (Trans 99). In addition to bus rentals, Gilang and Shandy currently also have an exclusive boarding house business in the Malang area. Kadek Maharani Kemala Dewi

Maharani Kemala is the wife of Dewa Gede Adiputra. Maharani Kemala lived and grew up in the art area of ​​Gianyar, Bali. Where culture and art are very thick. The business spirit has flowed from the environment where there are indeed many businesses scattered in the Gianyar area, especially in the arts. Before starting the cosmetics business, Maharani was an employee of the Bali branch of a State-owned Bank and an alumnus of the Faculty of Agriculture at the largest university in Bali, Udayana University. Maharani is known as a woman who is close to the world of beauty and always pays attention to the health of her face and body. His love is what finally made him plunge into the beauty business. Just like Shandy Maharani also started a career selling beauty products from businesses with online media. He sees the cosmetic business prospects are very good. Because people, especially women, are starting to realize the importance of taking care of the health of the face and body.

Beginning of Success with MS Glow

Businesses through online media can be said to be successful. So she ventured to resign from the bank where she worked to focus on running a business under the name Cantik Skin Care. That's when he and Shandy together founded a beauty business. The name Cantik Skin Care was changed to MS Glow which supports the treatment of both men and women. In the same year, TUB Beauty Store was opened which sells various beauty products from various brands and has markets throughout Indonesia.

At that time, MS Glow had sales agents everywhere. The business was growing and decided to develop MS Glow by building a beauty clinic. Finally, in 2017 the construction of a clinic that had been planned for a long time was successfully realized under the name MS Glow Aesthetic Clinic. The clinic was first opened in Bali to serve in-depth skincare needs. The presence of the MS Glow clinic was well received in the community, until finally, the MS Glow Aesthetic Clinic spread its wings by opening a branch in the Kemang area, Jakarta.

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