Healthy Info


Sweating after eating is the cause and is rarely known

 All living things need food, including us as humans.

Then, in the process of digesting food, humans certainly experience several reactions in the body, one of which is sweating.

Of course, we already know enough that sweat is the body's reaction to cool the body when the temperature rises or feels hot.

Reporting from the pop dsx youtube channel the sweat produced consists of water and also salt produced by the sweat glands towards the skin area.

When consumed are hot or spicy foods, maybe it is natural that we sweat.

But if we eat other foods that are not spicy or hot but still sweat what happens?

Apparently in the medical world, there is the term Gustatory Perspiration or Gustatory Sweating, namely sweating during or after eating.

This happens due to stimulation or stimulation of the salivary glands. As a result, sweat will appear on the forehead, face, neck, and scalp area and is normal. As for foods that make us sweat excessively, namely fried foods, foods that are high in fat and have high salt content.

In addition, foods that contain protein and alcohol also cause the body to sweat excessively because foods that contain protein require more energy to digest than other foods.

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