Local Wisdom

A brief history of the birth of Pancasila June 1, 1945 as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia

 Friends, you must already know that every June 1 is always commemorated as the birthday of Pancasila, Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state which can be interpreted as the five foundations for the formation of the Indonesian state. has a history that cannot be separated from the Indonesian independence process, how the history of the birth of Pancasila, the birth of Pancasila began when the Japanese government promised independence for Indonesia to realize independence so that Indonesia could stand alone Indonesian independence and aimed to discuss matters related to Indonesian governance including determining the basis of the state This section is called the Investigation Agency for Preparatory Work for Indonesian Independence or BPUPKI which in Japanese is called Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai and chaired by Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat BPUPKI held a session from May 29 to June 1, 1945 with The discussion on the state basis after several days did not get a bright spot on June 1, 1945 Engineer Soekarno It was his turn to deliver a speech or his idea about the basis of an independent Indonesia. His speech was initially delivered by Sukarno by acclamation without a title and only received the title of the birth of Pancasila by the chairman of BPUPKI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat excerpt from Soekarno's speech, now the number of nationalities, internationalism, consensus, prosperity and divinity is 5 numbers but the name is not Panca Dharma. I named this with the advice of our linguist friends. and eternally later BPUPKI formed a small committee to formulate and compile a constitution based on Bung Karno's speech then a Nine Committee was formed consisting of Engineer Soekarno Muhammad Hatta Mr A A Maramis Khusnul tjokrosoejoso Abdul Kahar Muzakir Agus Salim Ahmad Subarjo Wahid Hasyim and Muhammad Yamin Committee of Nine was assigned to reformulate Pancasila as the basis of the state based on a speech spoken by Bung Karno on June 1, 1945 and made the document as a text to proclaim Indonesia's independence. The first Committee of Nine on 22 June 1945 the trial finally resulted in the basic agreement of the state called the Jakarta Charter in which contained the basic formulation of the state as follows: Belief with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents of a just and civilized humanity, the unity of the people of Indonesia, led by wisdom in deliberation of representatives of social justice for all Indonesian people at the time of drafting the Constitution at the second session of the Jakarta BPUPKI it was used as a preamble or later on the ratification of the 1945 Constitution on August 18, 1945 by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence or PPKI istila h the preamble was changed to the preamble to the East Asian Constitution on the first precepts of Pancasila in the Jakarta Charter, then a meeting was held with representatives of Islam, so it was decided that the first point containing the obligation to carry out Islamic law for its adherents was changed to the one and only God, the history of the birth of Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state until now Pancasila is known as the five precepts which read that God is one and only humanity, just and civilized, the unity of populist Indonesia led by wisdom in deliberation of representatives of social justice for all Indonesian people as the basis of the state. introduction to the opening of Bung Karno's speech.concerning Pancasila, which was first published in 1947, the former chairman of BPUPKI Dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat hoped that the birth of this Pancasila could be used as a guide for our homeland and nation as a whole in an effort to fight for and perfect the country's independence on June 1, 2016 President Joko Widodo signed a presidential decree or Presidential Decree No. 24 2016 concerning the birthday of Pancasila and at the same time stipulating it as a national holiday that will take effect starting in 2017. Thus an explanation of the history of the birth of Pancasila, let's together protect Pancasila from elements or groups who want to divide Indonesia. Protecting Pancasila means maintaining the integrity of Indonesia.

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