Science and Technology


Get to know the inventor from Cirebon Indonesia

Aryanto Misel should be appreciated that he made a device that is able to convert water into hydrogen and can be used as fuel for NiCuba (Nikubanyu) motorized vehicles or Ini Air. A tool made by residents of Lemahabang, Cirebon Regency, is claimed to be able to convert water into hydrogen and can be used as fuel for vehicles. Then how does Mbak's book work? Haryanto explains how a tool called can convert water into hydrogen and can be used as fuel for motorized vehicles. According to him, this dome has the function of separating hydrogen H2 and oxygen O2 contained in water H2O hydrogen contained in water. has been separated and then flowed into the combustion chamber of a motorized vehicle engine, but water that can be used and converted into hydrogen for motor vehicle fuel is water that no longer contains heavy metals. When cooked, it will split into hydrogen H2 and oxygen O2, Aryanto said, this H2 hydrogen will later be flowed into the combustion chamber of the vehicle engine, while the O2 oxygen becomes a terrorist again so that it becomes hydrogen to be re-flowed into the combustion chamber. Hydrogen through this article is claimed to be able to make vehicles travel from Cirebon to Semarang or said so far his dome has been installed on 30 units of TNI service motorbikes from Kodam 3 Siliwangi.Another Discovery of Mr. Aryanto Misel

When the government is struggling to find solutions to forest fires in the country, since a decade ago, Aryanto Misel (60) has been quietly finding a simple way to reduce this humanitarian disaster. With cassava peel and a touch of innovation, this high school diploma holder tries to be a small part of the solution to this chronic problem. Aryanto suddenly took portable gas while receiving guests, at his residence, in Lemahabang District, Cirebon Regency, West Java, early last January. He also held a board measuring 30 centimeters (cm) x 5 cm. There is no explanation for that yet. The blue superheated flame from the portable gas he suddenly spewed onto the board in his right hand. The guests were getting shocked. Miraculously, the board measuring 30 centimeters (cm) x 5 cm did not burn. Aryanto then repeated it for a few minutes. The fire without distance did not crush the board at all. The fire did not land, let alone penetrate the board. Only black marks remain on the surface of the board. When touched, it feels warm. A strange smell smelt, like a motor vehicle lubricating oil. "This is Ko Hi HPA, anti-fire oil," said Aryanto, followed by a cough. In Japanese, he continued, Ko Hi means fire-resistant. The acronym HPA is the result of the naming given by Aryanto himself. His voice was still hoarse when found. It was a "gift" after being attacked by smoke from the forest fires in East Kalimantan, last November 2015. At that time, a two meter high flame was about 300 meters in front of him. "It's time to prove the cassava peel ingredient," Aryanto whispered to himself. The firebreak was then made. Weeds, tree branches, and grass are piled lengthwise to form a boundary line around the fire area. However, the firebreaks have not been able to dispel the red rooster when the wind is strong. Aryanto then spit out anti-fire liquid that he made himself on the firebreak. As a result, only a few firebreaks were devoured by the fire. The fire did not spread any further. Then sold to the company.Amazing! That was the response of several people from PT Triputra Agro Persada who began to take advantage of his invention. "I was shocked too. It turned out to be possible," said Aryanto. Previously, Aryanto was called upon to present his findings to the company, which operates in the palm oil and rubber sector on a national scale. The company obtained information on Aryanto's discovery from the internet. At that time, he was competing with a company that also offered anti-flame fluids. "However, my invention was chosen because it is more economical," he said. For per liter, he marketed Rp. 10,000. Each liter can protect an area of ​​10 square meters from the brunt of the fire. Within a year, he released about 7 tons of the anti-flame liquid. He also opened new jobs for some of his neighbors to process cassava peels. The waste that was taken from around Cirebon was finally fruitful. Besides being used to extinguish fires during forest fires, his invention is also used to prevent house fires. The product has been sent outside Cirebon, such as Jakarta. The anti-fire liquid is able to seep 1 centimeter into the object that is applied so that the fire does not spread. Making anti-flaming liquid Anti-flaming liquid is made from ground cassava peel until smooth. There is a potassium substance in cassava peel which can stabilize various compounds, such as citrate which causes a chemical reaction so that the fire goes out. “I only learned from books on Chemistry and Physics. That's my favourite. And, keep trying to practice it," he said. The recipe for his invention has even been purchased by a company in Japan for around Rp. 700 million. At that time, he needed money to make other works so he was forced to sell his work. Aryanto did not claim that his discovery in the early 2000s was the first and only. Currently, he has submitted his work to be tested at PT Sucofindo. In Kompas notes, domestic researcher Randall Hart also found fire extinguisher cassava peels. In fact, he started a company that produces chemical liquid made from cassava peel which is fire-resistant.

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