Buleleng News

 Development of RTH Bung Karno Park Positive Deviation 9 Percent

 Buleleng Regency Administration | 27 July 2021 | Read 68 times

The development of the Bung Karno Park Green Open Space (RTH), which has started work on May 11 until today, in the 11th week of development, has reached 23.42 percent of the target of 14.39 percent, this shows a positive deviation of 9.03 percent. For this reason, Buleleng Regent Putu Agus Suradnyana, ST, who was accompanied directly by the Head of the Buleleng District Attorney I Putu Gede Astawa, SH, directly inspected the Bung Karno Park RTH development project in the Sukasada District area on Tuesday (27/7).

In his review, the Buleleng Regent who is familiarly called PAS said that the Bung Karno Green Open Space would be the pride of the Buleleng people and could also improve the economy in Buleleng, especially around the green open space. Furthermore, Agus Suradnyana hopes that it will be completed in the next 2 or 3 months and one of them is an icon of South Buleleng, besides that this park is also a means of community interaction that can be accessed by anyone, including people with disabilities.

"Hopefully, Bung Karno Park will be completed in the next 2 or 3 months. Now the people of Buleleng will certainly be happier, so Bung Karno Park will become a child and family-friendly park," he said.

Furthermore, Agus Suradnyana said that after the

Met at the same place, the Head of the Buleleng Regency Environmental Service, Gede Melandrat, SP said his gratitude to the Buleleng Regency Government who had played a role in this development and as long as the construction project was running smoothly.

"Grateful, from the physical target targeted at 14 percent to date, it has exceeded the specified target, this shows a positive deviation in this development and to note in PPKM in Buleleng 100 percent of project workers work by complying with strict health protocols," he said. .

Meanwhile, the supervisory consultant PT. Kencana Adhi Karma Ni Putu Eka Dewi said that the construction of the Bung Karno Green Open Space Phase IV, which began construction on May 11, 2021, will be completed on December 6, 2021, involving 90 local workers or from Buleleng, only the sculptor from Gianyar. , currently, the RTH project has 20 working areas. During the Emergency PPKM, the usual arrangements for project work will be implemented, starting at 08.00 WITA until 17.00 WITA. just no overtime for the workers.

"From the start, we have been working on strict Health Protocols (Prokes). From the 20 work areas, starting from the Wantilan building, generator house, several renovations, the Singa Ambara Raja statue, and its stage, there is also a fountain with lights that will function as a swimming pool. fish and jogging track with andesite stone pairs, we are targeting to complete on 6 December," he said. Meanwhile Online Learning Support, Internet Data Package

In order to support online teaching and learning, the government through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek RI) of the Republic of Indonesia will continue to provide internet data package assistance to elementary, middle, and high school/vocational students. This was stated by the Head of the Buleleng Regency Education, Youth, and Sports (Disdikpora) Office Made Astika when met in his office on Wednesday (28/7).

Furthermore, Astika said that in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, the data package assistance provided consisted of 7 GB of PAUD per student per month, SD and SMP of 10 GB per student per month.

Related to that, Astika said that it was carried out in stages and at this time the data collection process for new students was being carried out. Data collection is scheduled to be completed on August 31. After that, his party will verify and validate the data that has been inputted.

In addition, to cover students who do not receive data package assistance from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture due to technical problems such as changing their cellphone numbers or inactive cellphone numbers, the school can take advantage of the boss's funds for this so that no students are hampered in learning online.

"The school management team is programmed in the RKS (School Work Plan)," he concluded

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