Local Wisdom


The basic reason for the islands of Java and Bali is not to build a bridge

The discourse of building a Java-Bali bridge is sandwiched between public interests and conflicting cultural values. The discourse on the construction of a bridge connecting Java-Bali has been heard again since January 2020, although several community leaders and local Balinese leaders have rejected the discourse considering the history of the island of Bali. and the geographically separated island of Java is full of meaning, so it would be better if the island of a thousand temples was left as it is, according to a young Balinese character, Gede Pasek Suardika, if you rely on the RCC era in the mantra that the separation of the islands of Bali and Java is full of meaning instead of just cultural culture and local wisdom, the construction of the bridge is also said to not respect the sanctity of Hinduism which is embraced by the majority of residents on the island of Bali from Hindu mythology which has been included in the history of Bali. must be limited by the sea y which is one of the filters so that negative things and bad influences from outside Bali and everything from outside Bali becomes easier to monitor. The discourse on the Java-Bali bridge is an old issue that has resurfaced because of that to keep Bali as an island that is unique with all its characteristics. So what must be done to reject the Java-Bali bridge that is needed is to modernize the port and make a bigger port and international standard facilities, but it is better to build an international standard port with modern and good ships for tourism standards. Executive pier at Ketapang port and Gilimanuk as a special car crossing with premium services does not mix with freight trucks as it is now, it is hoped that after the Executive Pier is completed the crossing process will be more time-efficient because on average it only takes 15 minutes so that it can break down congestion and long queues it's more important to leave Bali as it is now because the island of Bali has become a world-class island like this, let Bali also become an island, which means that if you go by sea, you have to go by ship, not by the Bali Strait Bridge. In 1960 it was called the Trinusa Bima Sakti which means the link between 3 islands, namely the island. Riding a ship and the high waves in the Bali Strait. With this, people are faster and safer if they want to travel to the island of Java or who want to go to the island of Bali, the proposal for the construction of a Strait bridge in Bali has also been raised by the Banyuwangi Regency government in 2012 The Banyuwangi Regency Government said that the bridge needs to be built immediately because the number of vehicles that will cross to Bali or vice versa has always increased in the last 3 years even though the number of ships operating is getting denser and is not balanced with the number of piers impacted by the impact of the tsunami. nothing an alternative route resulted in long queues of vehicles when the port was closed due to bad weather as a result the economic sector was hampered Banyuwangi applauded the Jembrana Bali regency government openly rejecting the plan stating that currently, the Denpasar road infrastructure improvement is not the construction of the Hindu Dharma Indonesia union bridge PHDI Jembrana Regency also refuses The construction of the Bali Strait bridge is seen from the history of the island of Bali, which in the mythology of Danghyang siddhi mantra deliberately cut off the island of Bali with the island of Java from Hindu mythology which has been included in the history of Bali, according to him on a scale and Niskala Bali with Java from the beginning it was made in such a way that it must be limited by the sea. which is one of the filters so that negative things and bad influences from outside Bani and everything from outside Bali become more easy to supervise In line with PHDI Jembrana PHDI Banyuwangi also asked the Banyuwangi government to consider cultural and religious aspects if you want to build a Bali Strait bridge connecting the islands of Java and Bali according to PHDI Banyuwangi, the Bali Strait bridge will definitely be higher than the surrounding waters and land, considering that it creates the Bali Strait which sometimes Even though according to him in Hinduism there is a belief that buildings and human positions should not be higher than Padma sana, which is a place of prayer and serving for Hindus philosophically, he said Padmasana is a sacred place that must be kept pure by maintaining the position of humans or buildings around it. should be lower at this time the Central Government is preparing the construction of the Probolinggo Banyuwangi toll road which ends at the Ketapang port and the Gilimanuk toll road which ends in Denpasar. If these two toll roads are completed, then from Merak in Banten to Denpasar in Bali, barrier-free connection with a note that you still have to cross the Bali Strait by ferry because it is not possible to build a Bali Strait bridge due to the above sociocultural reasons.

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