Get to know Tumpek Landep of Balinese Hinduism more closely


Get to know Tumpek Landep of Balinese Hinduism more closely

Based on the division, Indonesian Hindus divide the implementation of the holy day into two, namely based on the calculation of sasih and based on the calculation of pawukon or wuku. The holy days that are held based on sasih are the holy day of Nyepi and the holy day of Siwalatri. Then the implementation of holy days based on wuku or pawukon including the holy days of Galungan, Kuningan, Saraswati, Pagerwesi, Kliwon Buddha, Tumpek, Buddha Wage, Cemeng Buddha, Anggara Kasih and many others.

Understanding Tumpek Landep

Etymologically "tumpek" comes from the word tampa which means down. Tampa in the Old Javanese Indonesian dictionary is inserted with the word Um, so it changes to Tumampak which means to stand. This word then turns into an adverb, namely "Tumampek" which means close. This word again undergoes a compound letter "M" so that it changes to "Tumpek".

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the holy day of Tupek is the anniversary of the descent of the manifestation of Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa to Earth.

Then some say that the Tumpek Landep holiday comes from two words namely "Tumpek" and "Landep". Tumpek comes from the word "Metu" which means to meet and "Mpek" which means the end. If you look at the meaning of the words above, it can be said that "Tumpek" is the day of the meeting of the Panca Wara and Sapta Wara warrants, where the Panca wara which ends with your Kliwon Sapta wara ends with Saniscara (Saturday).

While the word "Landep" itself has a sharp or pointed meaning. Therefore, at Tumpek Landep ceremonies, ceremonies are also carried out on sharp objects such as heirloom kris and other sharp objects.

The meaning of Tumpek Landep

In the era of globalization as it is today, Hindus interpret Tumpek Landep as a day of purification for objects such as kris, spears and even today it is also used as a purification for electronic objects such as laptops, smartphones, cars, motorcycles and various other objects. other.

Giving offerings to these objects means that Sanghyang Widhi Wasa in his manifestation as Hyang Pasupati is pleased to give gifts to these objects to make the owner's life easier when used. In addition, Tumpek landep also means worship and gratitude to Hyang Pasupati for all of his creations, so that on the analysis of humans using the sharpness of Jnana (mind/ideas, logic and knowledge) so that they are successful in processing metals used to launch their business in supporting daily life. days, so that usually in this pile it seems to be categorized as sarwa sanjata even the weapons are made of metal, the main thing is how sharp our Jnanam is given by the almighty creator.

In the Digital Balinese Calendar it is explained that Tumpek Landep is also mentioned as a yadnya ceremony for salvation of all types of sharp tools or weapons, kris etc. and asking Lord Shiva and Sang Hyang Pasupati so that all tools / weapons remain lucky, whose celebration is carried out every 210 days, namely on Saturdays. wuku landep.

Ni Kadek P. Noviasih, in the article Tumpek Landep, Local Wisdom of Ethnic Balinese Hindus Utilizing Technology for Humanity, explained that the Tumpek ceremony was held to ask for safety before Sang Hyang Pasupati, the manifestation of Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (God) as the creator god and owner of equipment made of iron, silver, gold and so on. Also as a form or symbol of gratitude for Hindus before Sang Hyang Widhi who has provided knowledge and the ability to design advanced technology to create objects that can help and simplify human life.

Series of Implementation of Tumpek Landep

In Sundari Gama's Lontar it is explained that the Banten used on Tumpek Landep is a white and yellow cone complete with satay side dishes, red shrimp paste, leaves and fruits. Then 29 matches (groups) were held at Sanggah/Merajan (holy place). Offerings to Sanghyang Pasupati are in the form of a Sesayut Pasupati, a Sesayut Jayeng War, a Sesayut Kusumayudha, Holy Banten, Daksina, Peras, Ajuman, Canang Wangi, Reresik or PaCleanan.

Understanding Pasupati

Pasupati is a process of sacralization of magical objects as a request addressed to Sanghyang Pasupati which is pronounced with Vedic mantras equipped with pasupati offerings. Pasupati is a request to animate sacred objects using the Pasupati ceremony to be able to give magical powers to sacred objects such as the existence of a statue in a holy place in the form of a statue / carving that has been pasted and has holy spirits / atma, as sthana the gods, Sang Hyang Widhi etc.

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