
Legal and Criminal News

Bumiputera Insurance Case, Victim's Fate is Still Questionable  The case of failure to pay the Bumiputera Joint Life Insurance (AJB) has not subsided. A new problem arose again regard…

Legal News and Criminal Cases

Attorney General's Office confiscates luxury house belonging to corruption suspect Asabri  Junior Attorney General Investigators Jampidsus confiscated a 500-square-meter luxury house …

Legal and Criminal News

Brigadier General TNI Junior Tumilaar The reason is that it could be a wrong record or gap because it is reasonable to suspect that his actions were in the direction of backing in civil cas…

Legal and Criminal News

Prosecutor's Arrest The Attorney General's Office (AGO) 53 Task Force Team (AGO) arrested a high-ranking official at the Mojokerto Regency District Attorney's Office, East Java…

Criminal and Legal News

Tracing the Bali Bombings 1.12 October 2002 On October 12, 2002, the world community was shocked by the suicide bombing in Kuta, Bali. This incident was eventually referred to as the Bali…

Legal and Criminal News

Asks Densus 88 to be disbanded, Police Headquarters Responds Firmly Police Headquarters gave a firm response to DPR member Fadli Zon who asked Densus 88 Anti-terror to be disbanded. The H…

Legal and Criminal News

Constitutional Law expert Yusril Ihza Mahendra has been outspoken Assessing that several academics have used intellectual guises to protect political parties that practice oligarchy, dict…

Crime and legal News

Mahfud's Warning to BLBI Obligors Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD revealed the latest update regarding the institution of the Task Force for…

Crime and Legal News

Regarding Yusril's Lawsuit against De mocrats Constitutional law experts provide input regarding the steps taken by lawyer Yusril Ihza Mahendra to sue AD/ART through a Judicial Review…

Crime and legal News

Attorney General Sita Villa Corruption Suspect Asabri The Attorney General's Office (AGO) confiscated land and building assets belonging to the suspect in the alleged corruption case …

Crime News

BLBI Obligors Receive Rp 58 T, Pay 17%, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (MenkoPolhukam) Mahfud Md responded to questions that developed in the government&…

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